
The Fëschmaart meaning the Fish Market in English (Marché-aux-Poissons in French) is the heart of the historic city of Ville Haute quarter. The name of the place comes from the first market ever created on the site by the first settlers who later supplemented it with markets for various agricultural products such as cheese (the place was also called cheese market at some point). These first markets became the beating heart of the town. The Fish Market was also the site where the two old Roman roads intersected.

Fëschmaart Marché-aux-Poissonshttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:March%C3%A9_aux_Poissons_(Luxembourg_City)?uselang=fr#/media/File:%C3%8Bnnert_de_st%C3%A4iler_Luxembourg_City_2012-04_B.JPG