Teresa Carles Restaurant (Vegetarian)
Teresa Carles Restaurant (Vegetarian). Deeply influenced by traditional and familiar Catalan cuisine, Teresa leap into cooking with a goal in mind: using the best products from her motherland (Algerri, Lleida) to create recipes as tasty as her grandmothers’ and mother’s but in a natural and much healthier way. Her desire to know more and more leads her to travel throughout Europe and USA while analyzing several variations of vegetarian cuisine. She is self-made with 35 years of experience in vegetal and natural products, and the author of notable cooking books as well.
Along with Ramón Barri, Teresa has got an extensive experience as a healthy restaurant set-up consultant within Spain. Teresa Carles Restaurant is one of the models Vegetarian Restaurants in Barcelona. Its beyond 35 years of experience Along with the Chef in Charge Teresa Carles Borràs, its key assets are the great value for money and a continuous effort to explore and innovate in the Healthy Restaurants category.