Park Güell
Another link of Gaudí’s phenomenal chain of architectural miracles that Barcelona boasts of is Park Güell. Designed by the prominent architect & built between 1900 & 1914, the Park was inspired by Count Eusebi Güell after whom the park was named. Güell took his idea from the English garden city movement & decided to transform a previously rocky hill with little vegetation into an upper-class house complex but after the lack of interest from other investors, the tycoon commissioned Gaudi to build the park.
The architect who moved into one of the houses was already built on the location by another architect (Berenguer). The house where Gaudí lived with his family is now the Gaudi House Museum, containing several works by Gaudi. The park itself, a UNESCO Heritage Site, is another example of the man’s skillful & imaginative style, offering among others a wonderful view of the city in a panorama with the Sagrada Familia & the Montjuic area at a short distance. More