Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood
After St. Catherine’s Passage, following Vene street heading south, past the town hall square and Vana Trug Street, we come across the beautiful Kuninga Street where on number 3, we find an interesting new museum, the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood.
The museum holds the largest display of phaleristics (the insignia of orders of chivalry and of merit; medals and other decorations) in the Nordic countries. These masterpieces of jewellery include authentic honorary insignia from the Order of the Golden Fleece, the Order of Malta and the Black Eagle of Dannebrog , of the Knight of Tallinn among others.
Along with the decorations of royal, princely, or clerical orders, there are also national and old Imperial decorations like those of the French Legion of Honor, the Ottoman Empire and of several East-Asian countries. (Hint: A great place for souvenirs). More