Pizza Fritta

Pizza Fritta. You’re in Naples. You try the pizza. As much as you can. And then some more. Pizza fritta is a traditional Neapolitan rarity you won’t find at home. And it’s delicious. Napolitani swear by it. In general, the capital of the South has a love for everything fried. They have several sayings that testify to their love.

Pizza fritta is also a baby of poor times like WW2 for example when the wood oven was a luxury nobody could actually afford. Olive oil on the other hand was always abundant in the South, so one plus one makes a pizza you won’t ever forget. So let’s be clear. You cannot say that you have walked through the alleys of Naples without having at least once brandished a steaming fried pizza in your hands, intent on not burning your fingers while saving your clothes from sudden leaks of the delicious filling. Neapolitan pizza fritta is one of the street food par excellence of the Neapolitan capital you will carry with you back home as a souvenir.