Baccelli e pecorino

Baccelli e pecorino (Young broad beans and pecorino cheese)  is a spring classic in Tuscany. Traveling along the Tuscan hills one can see entire fields of broad beans that used to be one of the main nutritional elements of the poor for hundreds of years. Rich in Vitamin C & B1 and  minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium , selenium and manganese as well as antioxidants the precious legume found its way back to the Florentine menus after some years of sleep mode.

The beans are placed in water for 12 hours and are then peeled from their shell. They are then dressed with plenty of olive oil, salt and pepper and left to rest along with cubes of chopped soft, young pecorino cheese in a large salad bowl. For two hours the two flavors are left to mingle before the dish is served along with some slices of wholemeal bread. For an authentic recipe of this delicious appetizer go to: