Tsigariasto and Fricassee

Tsigariasto and Fricassee. What about meat lovers? Anything for them? Well, they won’t be disappointed that’s for sure. Chania’s proximity to the White Mountains, mountains that brim with free-range goat & sheep herds provide the city with plenty of high-quality meat that ends up on the local plate. The most distinctive and traditional meat recipe in Western Crete is the Tsigariastó, Sautéed lamb in olive oil that is left to simmer it becomes golden brown & then submerged in water & wine.

Tsigariasto and Fricasseehttps://www.facebook.com/litsas.kamomata

Lamb Fricasseé,  or lamb with fennel, lamb with spiny chicory & lamb with potatoes and tomato sauce cooked in the oven are also some of the traditional champions.  A very popular meat in Crete, especially in Chania is rabbit. You can find it cooked in several different ways, with the most popular being rabbit cooked in lemon juice, thyme & oregano & rabbit with endives avgolemono, a mixture of egg & lemon.
